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Crafting For A Cure is a not-for-profit registered charity that looks for opportunities to ensure children are having a positive experience when a hospital visit is necessary. 

Through product donations and community fundraising, the club will create and supply craft-kits to children and youth in emergency rooms, clinic treatment rooms, operating waiting rooms and mental health clinics. Additionally, Brock Crafting for a Cure club members will get face-to-face volunteer opportunities doing arts and crafts with children in hospitals in the Niagara Region and in the GTA.


Through the help of many committed and talented volunteers, the main CFC has been able to provide over 400,000 craft kits to over 100 hospitals across seven countries and is still rapidly growing. Crafting for a Cure's mission is brought to light through four main programs; Committed to Crafting (where craft kits are sent to emergency rooms, operation waiting rooms, clinic treatment rooms, and more), Creating Breathing Space (which provides distractions and self-esteem items to teens mental health wards), Smiles For All (which brings ballerinas into hospitals to dance for children), and our chapters. This is where you come in!



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